Our synagogue is currently undergoing a major redevelopment and we could really do with your help.
If you wish to donate to the redevelopment fund or to any other purpose please use the “Donate” button below to donate by PayPal or by using Debit or Credit card.
Alternatively, you may wish to donate by transferring funds directly to our bank account. In that case please use the following details:
- Bank: HSBC
- Account Name: BHPS
- Sort Code: 40-15-16
- Account Number: 21504177
Plans for the new design can be seen every Shabbat morning.
Our new building will offer room for our congregation to engage fully in all aspects of Jewish life – from religious services, life-cycle celebrations, ongoing study of Judaism and Hebrew plus a wide range of social events and gatherings. We plan to keep the new building open seven days a week for our members to enjoy, whether for a chat over coffee or for moments of quiet contemplation.
Finally, If you are a UK tax payer we could claim your tax back on your donation at no cost to you via Gift Aid. Please contact sandrawalker55@hotmail.com for more information and for a Gift Aid form.
You are welcome to support BHPS either by a general donation or a specific donation to the redevelopment fund.
Thank you for your support.
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