BHPS regards education as a life-long commitment, we therefore offer education at all stages of life


We provide a nurturing and creative environment to inspire young children’s curiosity, intellect and imagination. Shabbatots is for children aged 4-7 (at which point they may transition into the next stage of the Beit Lameid). Shabbatots meet once a month at Ralli Hall on a Shabbat between 10.45 and 12.30 to have fun, socialise and learn about Jewish traditions and festivals. Children should always be accompanied by a parent or carer. Sessions are very relaxed so if you’d like to attend call our office t: 01273 737223

Beit Lameid

BHPS provides full facilities for Jewish Education including Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Kabbalat Torah.  Classes run from 10am – 12.30 on Shabbat mornings at Ralli Hall. Each term there is a new theme linking lessons to the weekly Torah parashah (portion), exploration of Jewish teachings and values relating to it.


Kabbalat Torah

After a student has become Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they move on to a smaller, more tightly-knit group for their KT classes which run from 11am – 12.30 at Ralli Hall.

KT teachers provide a programme of social and study opportunities for students to learn more about their Jewish heritage and also learn life-skills and active citizenship. When students have been participating in the KT programme for two years, they take part in a special graduation ceremony and recveive a Kabbalat Torah certificate.

KT students also have an opportunity to become Teaching Assistants, helping with the Beit Lameid’s younger children in the first part of the morning. This is an important opportunity as it helps the KT class to gain leadership skills and take ownership of their Jewish Education.

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